Gdański Jacek

Jacek Gdański

Currently acts as an independent Supervisory Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee at Poltreg S.A. and Member of the Audit Committee at PG TUW (Polish Gas Mutual Insurance).

Previously he was an independent Member of Supervisory Boards of i.a: PKO BP, Nestbank, Nordea Life and Pensions, PKO Insurance Life and Non-Life and Ruch S.A.

From 1999 till 2007 he served in the Ministry of Finance where he was also a member of the Accounting Standards Committee and the Audit Oversight Commission. After leaving the Ministry Jacek acted as CFO and Management Board Member at PKO Investments, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOSiGW) and Polish Real Estate Holding (PHN S.A.). Between 2016 and 2021 he was a co-founder and Management Board Member (CRO and subsequently CEO) of the Polish Gas Insurance Group in Warsaw.

Jacek is a statutory auditor in Poland and a graduate of the National School of Public Administration, the Warsaw School of Economics (Risk Management in Financial Institutions) and the LSE (Real Estate Economics and Finance).

Jacek is a holder of International Chess Grandmaster title and a multiple chess champion of Poland. Fluent in English, Russian and Swedish.
