Kuczewska-Łaska Małgorzata

Małgorzata Kuczewska-Łaska

Małgorzata Kuczewska-Łaska is now an independent financial expert conducting her professional activity mainly in the areas of preparing independent expert opinions in the field of finance, accounting, management and restructuring, as ...


Kwaśnicki Radosław

Radosław L. Kwaśnicki

Senior Partner at RKKW Law Firm. Holds a doctorate in law and is professionally qualified as a legal advisor. An expert in company law, including corporate governance and group company law. He also specialises in ownership disputes, capital market and professionally chairs...


Kwaśny Sebastian

Sebastian Kwaśny

Member of the Supervisory Board at Escola S.A. Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Association of Blockchain Experts in Warsaw. General Partner at Pointer.Capital fund, AngelList. Capital market participant since 1994. Investor with 25 years of ...


Lasocki Michał

Michał Lasocki

Michał Lasocki is a Partner at EEC Ventures, a Polish venture capital fund supporting innovative companies in the areas of digital, climate, and energy transformation. He serves as a member of the supervisory boards of portfolio companies.


Lelental Anita Michel

Anita Michel-Lelental

She has over 15 years of experience in the banking sector holding managerial positions in structured finance and corporate banking at banks such as HSBC, DNB, Deutsche Bank and ABN Amro. She currently serves as the Managing Director of BLender Poland and...


Leonkiewicz Jakub

Jakub Leonkiewicz

Jakub currently acts as independent Supervisory Board Member and Audit Committee Member at two Polish publicly listed companies – Hydrotor SA as well as XTB Brokers SA. Jakub has started his career at JPMorgan in London in Mergers and ...


Libera Zbigniew

Zbigniew Libera

Certified auditor. In the years 2007-2011 he was the board member of Polish Chamber of Certified Auditors (Polish professional body) he has FCCA qualification (in the UK) and CIA (certified internal auditor). For many years he was a member of Audit and ...


Makowiecka-Gatza Joanna

Joanna Makowiecka-Gatza

Experienced executive with over two decades of successful experience in executing strategic and operational change in challenging environments. Proven track record of driving transformation of listed companies in different industries...


Marczuk Marcin

Marcin Marczuk

Legal counsel at the OIRP in Warsaw (since 2005), graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Currently a member of the Supervisory Board and Audit Committee of WIKANA S.A., based in ...


Markiewicz Waldemar

Waldemar Markiewicz

President of the Management Board of the Polish Chamber of Brokerage Houses (IDM) He has strongly advocated for the development of the Polish capital market for more than 20 years.  He has extensive career experience. He served in the capacity of ...


Matyjasik Jacek

Jacek Matyjasik

Jacek has over 25 years of experience in banking, insurance, corporate and bank finance. Occupied key positions in corporate banking of ING Bank and finance in PKN ORLEN and PKO Bank, managed captive insurance company: ORLEN Insurance.


Mickiewicz Maria

Maria Mickiewicz

Nearly 20 years of experience on the Polish capital market as a sell-side equity analyst in Polish and international financial institutions. Strong competence in various sectors, built on the basis of analyzing companies in the retail and distribution...


Mikusiński Rafał

Rafał Mikusiński

He has been involved in the capital market since its inception in 1991, when he joined the brokerage office of CDM Pekao SA. Currently an independent member of the Supervisory Board of NWAI DM S.A.


Mirosław Piotr

Piotr Mirosław

CEO at Lyreco Poland (since 2014), market leader in workplace products and services. Board member at Lyreco Advantage Poland, modern shared center for entire Lyreco Group. Between 2012 and 2014 managing director and board member...


Modrzejewski Jakub

Jakub Modrzejewski

Attorney-at-law. Graduated with honors in law studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. Professional member of supervisory boards. Unique experience gained both in key financial institutions ...


Murawski Marcin Michał

Marcin Michał Murawski

From 2012:  Independent Member of Supervisory Boards and Audit Committees, Chairman of the Audit Committees in GPW listed companies and public supervision companies: ...


Nachyła Monika

Monika Nachyła

Is a partner and member of the Investment Committee at the private equity firm Abris Capital Partners. She is responsible for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies and standards, investors’ relations, and oversight of portfolio companies...


Nagórko Katarzyna

Katarzyna Nagórko

She is currently the chair of audit committee and an independent member of the supervisory board of Amica S.A. Previously, she was a member of the supervisory board and the chair of the audit committee of R22 S.A. For over 5 years associated with the ...


Nastula Michał

Michał Nastula

Manager, leader of change processes in the financial services sector. He has extensive experience in corporate restructuring and good knowledge of corporate governance. Effective negotiator and company representative on the public forum.


Nowjalis Piotr

Piotr Nowjalis

Member of the management board (founding team) merxu.com – B2B online marketplace and member of the supervisory boards at public listed companies: Dino Polska, Comp. Chairman of the supervisory board at Kross. Involved in financial ...


Oleksiewicz Magda

Magda Oleksiewicz

Senior manager. Expert in the areas of change management and business transformation. She has extensive professional experience in strategic consulting and industries such as finance, new technologies, and shared services.


Olendski Piotr

Piotr Olendski

Piotr Olendski is currently serving as Non-Executive Director in the Board of Globalworth Real Estate Limited, where he also Chairs Remuneration Committee, a Member of the Supervisory Board of and Chair of Audit Committee in DM Trigon S.A.


Olszewska Izabela

Izabela Olszewska

With over 25 years of experience in the capital market, Izabela Olszewska worked at the Capital Operations Center of Bank Handlowy in Warsaw S.A. and the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie S.A.).


Olszewska-Miszuris Milena

Milena Olszewska-Miszuris

Milena is a member of the Corporate Governance Committee at Warsaw Stock Exchange and member of ACCA’s Governance, Risk and Performance Global Forum. She currently serves as independent supervisory board member and chair of ...


Opolska Iweta

Iweta Opolska

Iweta Opolska has over 16 years of experience of energy markets. She has created and lead a team of natural gas experts at the PKN ORLEN Capital Group. The Gas Trading Office has been built from scratch: from ppt presentation to the ...


Padusiński Paweł

Paweł Padusiński

Pawel Padusinski is currently a Supervisory Board member at Allegro, one of the largest European e- commerce players listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Between 2005 and 2023 he worked at MidEuropa – one of the largest Private Equity ...


Palenik Piotr

Piotr Palenik

Graduate of the University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics. He has worked at capital markets for over 20 years, at the beginning as equity analysts on the sell-side in HSBC Poland and ING Poland (specialised in banking sector) and later on as ...


Papierski Jakub

Jakub Papierski

Jakub Papierski is a specialist in the field of banking and capital markets with over 25 years experience. Awarded with the Lesław A. Paga Award in 2021. He supported the largest Polish blue-chip companies on their way to the stock exchange and ...


Paszke Filip

Filip Paszke

A graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań in the field of Management and Marketing and the Advanced Management Program at IESE Business School. In the period 1999-2012 he worked for Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy ...


Pavlak-Chiaradia Magda

Magda Pavlak-Chiaradia

ENG Magda Pavlak-Chiaradia is a seasoned executive with a broad sectoral background working with multinational manufacturing, energy, technology firms, retail and food sectors on sustainability and corporate governance topics.
